Architect Engineer NTUA (1996). Master of Arts, Department of Architecture & Interiors, Royal College of Art, London (2001). Scholarships from Greek National Scholarship Foundation (1999-2001) and Al. S. Onassis Foundation (2003-2006). “Will Alsop Prize for Urbanism” for his Master’s project “e-home?” (2001). Former PhD candidate RCA, Interaction Design (2003-2007) and current PhD candidate Hellenic Open University (2011 – ). Member of the British Research Programme EQUATOR (2003-2006). He has contributed to postgraduate teaching in ADS4, Dept. of Architecture & Interiors RCA, (2002). He has participated in national and international competitions, with A’ Prize in the Panhellenic competition for the design of “Plateia Heroon” in Eleusis (2007). His architectural work has been exhibited in national and international exhibitions: PLAY-USE, Witte de With, Rotterdam, (2000), Graduate Show, RCA, London (2001), Ephemeral Structures for the city of Athens, New Byzantine Museum, Athens (2002), 5th Panhellenic Architecture Exhibition, Patras (2004), “Transitional Athens”, ς Αθήνας», New Byzantine Museum, Athens (2005), “WALLS”, 6th Panhellenic Architecture Exhibition, Patras (2009), 6th Biennale of Young Greek Architects, New Benaki Museum, Athens (2010), “14F/21G, Young Architects from France and Greece”, New Benaki Museum, Athens (2012). He has co-curated the exhibitions "Groundworks" (Thessaloniki and Patras 2012) and "Diploma Projects" (Patras 2004) with student projects. He has contributed in international conferences, and he has published papers and texts in international and Greek journals, books, magazines and digital media. He has collaborated with architectural practices in Athens and London. In 2005 together with Anastasia Kyriakidi, he has established the architectural practice griik architects having designed and completed small scale projects.
Office hours: Tuesday 12:00-13:30, Wednesday 12:00-13:30