Professor Pollalis is Professor of Design, Technology and Management at the Harvard Design School.
Since 2008, he is the Director of the Zofnass Program for the Sustainability of Infrastructure (www.gsd.harvard.edu/research/research_centers/zofnass/) that has led to the Envision Rating System (www.sustainableinfrastructure.org). He is also the Principal Investigator of the project “Gulf Sustainable Urbanism” for 10 cities in the Arab Gulf, sponsored by the Qatar Foundation. He has taught as a visiting professor at the ETH-Zurich, Switzerland; TU-Delft, Holland; Uni-Stuttgart, Germany; U-Patras, Greece; and has offered joint courses with the Harvard Business School on planning and development. He serves as the co-chair of the Advisory Committee on Future Cities for the Singapore-ETH Center.
Prof. Pollalis is the chief planner for the new DHA City Karachi for 600,000 people, currently under construction, and the concept designer of the information infrastructure in the new administrative city in Korea. He served as the Chairman and CEO of the public company for the redevelopment of Hellinikon, the former Athens airport, and he developed the base master plan and business plan (www.pollalis-hellinikon.com). He currently serves as a member of the Athens Planning Committee. He has designed two signature bridges: the Main Street Bridge in Columbus Ohio and the Kifisias pedestrian bridge in Athens, Greece, and played a central role in the iconic cable-stayed Zakim Bridge, the new symbol of Boston. Since 1999, Prof. Pollalis has been a contractor to the General Services Administration (GSA) for the “Learning from Our Legacy” program.
Professor Pollalis received his first degree from the University in Athens (EMP) and his Master’s and PhD from MIT. His MBA in high technology is from Northeastern University. He has an honorary Master’s degree in Architecture from Harvard.