15-23 of DECEMBER 2013
International X|Ornamentism Workshop of Advanced Architectural Design for December 2013 in ATHENS, GREECE.
We refer to Students of Architecture and Professional Architects.
X|Atelier is organizing an Advanced Architectural Design Workshop in Athens, Greece from 15th-23rd of December 2013 Workshop , hosted by the Benaki Museum, under the auspices of the Hellenic Institute of Architecture and the Athens School of Fine Arts.
Erick Carcamo [Professor Sci-Arc, UPenn, previous teaching experience at Columbia University and Yale University]
Nefeli Chatzimina [Lecturer University of Southern California, PhD Candidate NTUAthens]
both Alumni Graduates GSAPP AAD Columbia University NYC.
Registration is OPEN now by email at workshop@xatelier.com
Please connect with us in Facebook https://www.facebook.com/xatelier.architecture