Course ID 

The course is aimed at 4th / 5th year students, who / who wish to deepen their use of Rhino and, with the Grasshopper plugin, integrate programming processes into the design. It is an introduction to basic principles, techniques and tools of parametric design. It has a dual, technical and design character: The technical part concerns the deepening of the possibilities offered by the Rhino / Grasshopper environment. The design department explores the application of modern techniques to synthetic architectural problems and the strongest correlation between design and implementation.

Prerequisites for attending the course are the basic familiarity with the environment of Rhino and the possibility of abstract - diagrammatic analysis of synthetic problems. Familiarity with programming and algorithmic processes is desirable but not necessary.

The course is laboratory and is developed in two modules: technical and design.

In the first section of the course, which is characterized by technique, through lectures and tutorials begins the learning of the Grasshopper - Rhinoceros design environment. In this section, students are taught basic concepts of programming in a graphical environment and design processes through scripting, gradually deepening into more complex problems. The development of the technical unit is accompanied by individual short-term tasks, which are delivered via e-class.

In the second unit of the course, which is characterized as synthetic / design, the students prepare a synthetic topic utilizing the special knowledge and techniques developed in the first unit. The synthetic topic is prepared by student groups of 2 people and is delivered at the end of the semester, with intermediate development deliveries. It is located primarily in abstract space, with emphasis on the geometric properties of objects and the development of design sets. The work begins with the selection of an abstract concept attributed to a physical model (working model) and / or two-dimensional representations (sketch, collage, diagram). At the same time, the representation of the same concept in the three-dimensional space as a diagram (Rhino environment) and a design mechanism (Grasshopper environment) are attempted. The two interpretations complement each other and in the course of the semester are correlated into a single design argument that combines the free tactile perception of real space with the precision and control offered in digital space. In the last stage of the work, possible spatial applications are investigated, with the aim of solving conventional architectural problems.

At the end of the semester, a detailed issue with a description of the synthetic theme is delivered, as well as a natural model and / or animation with three-dimensional representations of the composition.

During the semester there will be lectures by the teachers to theoretically support the technical subject of the course.