Course Code 

Digital space is a field of communication and creation that expands the way ideas are conveyed, distributed and completed. The elective course Mapping and Digital Archives of Greek Architecture presents and interprets architectural projects by gathering information, recording, analyzing, presenting and imaging. The archive issue extends the boundaries of architectural education to the observation, presentation and interpretation of the immediate environment. It aims at a continuously expanding architectural database that will be enriched year after year to highlight the Greek architectural heritage. The archive of drawings, texts, images and models will be accessible to the students of the department. The course cover issues related to methodologies of collecting and classifying architectural material, historical analysis and representational practices.

  • The lesson and the laboratory exercises are completed in three phases:
  • Data collection, goal setting and material processing
  • Analysis and classification of data –Creation of a communication model, and
  • Preparation of descriptive methods and representations. Organization and presentation of the archival material in digital space.


Each phase is supported by lectures and includes interim presentations of the evolution of every student work. Issues analyzed relate to historical frameworks, methods of structuring - organizing information and analyzing architectural data and files. Students are encouraged to explore and collect information about architectural projects that they categorize, analyze and classify in rational lines to eventually record them in a digital file. The exercises help consolidate the observation-analysis architecture and develop data storageing and display techniques in a variety of forms. The method combines theoretical knowledge with archiving and research techniques.