Course ID 

This is the second of two studio-based courses on Urban Design and Planning.

The object of the course is the study and understanding of the historical and theoretical framework of the creation, development and constitution of contemporary cities, urbanized areas and suburban landscapes and their critical re-design.

The course deals with a scale that is larger than the building/architectural scale (treated by the architectural design courses) and concerns the elaboration and formulation of design proposals for public urban spaces, building complexes, suburban areas, city-parts, and landscapes.

During the semester, exemplary projects from the history of cities are analyzed and different design methodologies are introduced. The historical evolution of the main components of cities is examined: urban fabric, public space, networks and infrastructures, green spaces, large-scale building complexes.

The specific building program of the design proposals and the basic assumptions of the design are determined by each tutor in collaboration with the students. Students work either individually or in groups of two.