Course ID 

The course introduces students to specific themes related to Interior Design and Architectural Design in a Small Scale. The content is structured in a series of thematic lectures presenting key references with examples and introducing topics such as: the principles of ergonomics, strategies of space division, the role of the permanent and mobile equipment in the definition of the architectural space, basic principles of natural and artificial lighting, the constructional, physical and visual structure of the surfaces of the spaces, the role of decoration, graphic elements and digital technologies and space identity.

The course also aims to: a) introduce students through visual material and references to new ways of designing the details of the architectural work / space, and b) develop critical skills - tools for analysis and an assessment of the design of internal spaces or small-scale spaces, with the understanding of their existence as fragments of a wider architectural work, and as products of a particular socio-historical context. The course is predominantly theoretical, and a series of lectures introducing the thematic units is conducted. The lectures are complemented by discussions within the course and by exercises and research conducted and presented by students, aiming at developing their skills in interior design.